Eos Management LP Has Decreased Addus Homecare (ADUS) Holding by $5.60 Million as Stock Rose

Investors sentiment decreased to 1.16 in Q1 2019. Its down 1.14, from 2.3 in 2018Q4. It dropped, as 18 investors sold ADUS shares while 50 reduced holdings. 26 funds opened positions while 53 raised stakes. 12.87 million shares or 4.55% less from 13.48 million shares in 2018Q4 were reported. Art Advisors Ltd Liability Corporation stated it has 7,700 shares. Invesco holds 0% or 110,222 shares in its portfolio. Meeder Asset Management has 127 shares for 0% of their portfolio. California State Teachers Retirement Sys has 14,855 shares. Voya Mngmt Ltd Liability Corp reported 3,827 shares. Moreover, Alliancebernstein Limited Partnership has 0% invested in Addus HomeCare Corporation (NASDAQ:ADUS). Eos LP holds 44.56% or 2.17M shares. Gsa Cap Prtnrs Llp reported 0.02% in Addus HomeCare Corporation (NASDAQ:ADUS). 555 were reported by Zurcher Kantonalbank (Zurich Cantonalbank). Price T Rowe Associates Inc Md holds 462,276 shares. Northern Tru Corp invested in 156,635 shares or 0% of the stock. Pier Limited Liability Com holds 1.4% in Addus HomeCare Corporation (NASDAQ:ADUS) or 141,768 shares. Parametric Portfolio Associates Ltd Liability reported 15,115 shares. New York-based Morgan Stanley has invested 0% in Addus HomeCare Corporation (NASDAQ:ADUS). Citadel Limited Liability Com accumulated 35,539 shares or 0% of the stock.

Since June 11, 2019, it had 0 insider buys, and 1 sale for $32.60 million activity.

Eos Management Lp decreased its stake in Addus Homecare (ADUS) by 4.11% based on its latest 2019Q1 regulatory filing with the SEC. Eos Management Lp sold 160,000 shares as the company’s stock rose 19.06% . The hedge fund held 3.74 million shares of the medical and nursing services company at the end of 2019Q1, valued at $131.89 million, down from 3.90M at the end of the previous reported quarter. Eos Management Lp who had been investing in Addus Homecare for a number of months, seems to be less bullish one the $1.15 billion market cap company. The stock decreased 1.03% or $0.86 during the last trading session, reaching $82.44. About 177,714 shares traded or 31.24% up from the average. Addus HomeCare Corporation (NASDAQ:ADUS) has risen 23.41% since September 7, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 23.41% the S&P500.

Analysts await Addus HomeCare Corporation (NASDAQ:ADUS) to report earnings on November, 4. They expect $0.50 EPS, up 21.95 % or $0.09 from last year’s $0.41 per share. ADUS’s profit will be $6.98M for 41.22 P/E if the $0.50 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.47 actual EPS reported by Addus HomeCare Corporation for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 6.38 % EPS growth.

More notable recent Addus HomeCare Corporation (NASDAQ:ADUS) news were published by: Nasdaq.com which released: “Top Ranked Momentum Stocks to Buy for July 2nd – Nasdaq” on July 02, 2019, also Streetinsider.com with their article: “Addus HomeCare (ADUS) Prices 2M Share Offering at $79.50/Sh – StreetInsider.com” published on September 05, 2019, Nasdaq.com published: “After-Hours Earnings Report for March 4, 2019 : CRM, CTRP, YY, ADUS, VNET, GRBK, PKOH, STRL, CLAR, ADMS, GAIA, CPTA – Nasdaq” on March 04, 2019. More interesting news about Addus HomeCare Corporation (NASDAQ:ADUS) were released by: Seekingalpha.com and their article: “Nektar downgraded on concerns with durability of treatment effect for NKTR-214 – Seeking Alpha” published on August 09, 2019 as well as Benzinga.com‘s news article titled: “60 Biggest Movers From Yesterday – Benzinga” with publication date: September 05, 2019.

Addus HomeCare Corporation (NASDAQ:ADUS) Ratings Coverage

Among 2 analysts covering Addus HomeCare (NASDAQ:ADUS), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 0 Hold. Therefore 100% are positive. Addus HomeCare has $9600 highest and $8100 lowest target. $94’s average target is 14.02% above currents $82.44 stock price. Addus HomeCare had 9 analyst reports since March 11, 2019 according to SRatingsIntel. On Wednesday, August 7 the stock rating was maintained by Raymond James with “Outperform”. Sidoti maintained it with “Buy” rating and $9600 target in Tuesday, August 6 report. The stock has “Outperform” rating by Raymond James on Thursday, June 13.

Addus HomeCare Corporation (NASDAQ:ADUS) Institutional Positions Chart

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Eos Management LP Has Decreased Addus Homecare (ADUS) Holding by $5.60 Million as Stock Rose

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